Ola --
so, here I am again. I wasn't sure I would be back so soon. Yesterday I 'thought' of writing here. Of Course I did. I Always Think of writing here. It's the Actual writing part that never happens. So there I was a few minutes ago, mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, when I came across a post that I said -- AHA! Blog Fodder !!! Yep. I just had more to say than Facebook really allows, so I brought it here. Where I can say as much or as little as i want -- about anything I want. So -- there were actually Two topics of the day that had me goin on there this morning -- one? the movie that comes out this weekend 'Max:.... and Two -- Food Waste -- on a HUGE scale. the latter is the one that brought me here, so that is the one I will start with. as soon as I make more coffee. . .
there, i'm back. ok .. yeh, I was screwin around on Facebook.. as if I have anything better to do , right? well, actually I do.. but am I doing any of it-- ummm, obviously not. so. i come across a post with a video on food waste. Actually -- food waste in America -- due to some crazy regulations by how the supermarket standards are. so because of that --- 40% -- YEP -- 40% of our produce -- not to mention anything else we know of gets tossed out -- like we all know McDonalds throws away Breakfast food at lunch time. I have Always been pissed about that - ever since I learned about it. Why NOT have a homeless shelter van there waiting to pick it up??? UGH!
so yeh, i see that, about the produce getting tossed before it even has the opportunity to be sold-- much less seen by consumers. Not even at a discount! they just toss it. compost it-- or whatever. just because it isn't pretty? OMG ! Don't even get me started on food waste. it has Forever been a peeve of mine. if you call it that. it really pisses me off. there is no "There are kids starving in China"..when it comes to this. it's more like --- "There are kids starving in our own back yard !" Not to mention the stuff I went through in my own life. I could tell you stories that would literally make you cry -- real tears. -- but I won't do that. But WTF is wrong with this country when WE are throwing away perfectly good food -- edible food --- when there are SO many -- Millions of people and places-- organizations -- that could use it????
Farmers, Grocers, Restaurants ---- AND even US as American Consumers --- ALL waste crazy amounts of perfectly good and useable food. Food that could be used and appreciated by many people RIGHT HERE in our own neighborhoods. We all may stand up to be first in line to send food and water to Africa -- or to some Disaster Victims in Cuba or Asia -- or even Florida --- but what about your down town shelter? or your next door neighbor? where are the laws and regulations to protect these people? where are the law makers to step in and say that a certain percentage of that 40 percent should be good or safe enough to go to hungry people -- to shelters, pantries , or some other 'program'?
if ANYONE knows who to go to -- tell me. ok? because I want to do something about this.
ok - so -- on to my next rant -- yup -- rough morning -- 'Pass the xanax !'
the movie MAX. I can't wait to see it. we've been waiting for months for it to come out. it comes out Friday-- and we will be there . BUT -- guess what has put a damper on my excitement this morning on Facebook? yep-- that damned Facebook.. again. posts about how the movie MAX will glamorize the Belgian Malenois breed - and folks will rush out to get one -- not knowing what a pain in the ass they are -- and then they will flood Animal Shelters after they eat their house ! that WILL happen. I Know that will happen, because we own two of these dogs, and we have owned them before. they have more energy than they know what to do with. they will literally EAT the siding off off your HOUSE! they are not like any other breed of dog. no amount of correction will stop them from their destruction. the ONLY thing that will keep them from destroying your home , property and Body??? consistent exercise, obedience, and training. and i DO mean Consistant -- daily -- all the time. you cannot take a break.. you can not lock them up. they need a handler -- not like a mommy or daddy -- they need a YOU. ARE. MY. HUMAN. a HANDLER -- who WILL commit to them. every free moment -- YOU must be loyal to recieve loyalty -- , and respect. if these dogs don't respect you--- they let you know. owning a malenois isn't like owning any other dog. not like me owning Chewie -- or you owning Fido. these dogs are used by Police for a reason. they are Not meant to be house-pets. they don't bring your slippers, and lay at your feet at night. they chew nails and jump 6 foot fences --- for fun ! seriously. I HAVE seen THIS.
there is a reason I got Chewie -- a Cane Corso -- and NOT a Malenois. There is a reason YOU got Fido -- and NOT Max -- do not let a movie make you think that Godzilla can be Lassie after a couple of Obedience classes. It just won't happen. that's Hollywood baby.
I have real answers to real questions about these dogs in your house -- Hubby has real answers to real questions about training them-- IF you are serious about training a true working Malenois. Don't get a Mal and let it end up in a shelter just because they are cute. Research the breed. Ask questions from people who Know the breed , and Live with them, train them, and LOVE them. NOT just the people who Sell them.
phew--- I feel better now. Any Questions? :))
I'm so with you on the food waste! I know many do give to the shelters but NOT ENOUGH do this! Homelessness is one of my top charities I give to which included feeding/clothing. We don't need to worry about all those other countries all the time either. Focus on the problem here.
ReplyDeleteNow the dog...I had no idea. I have Max on my Netflix but it will take a while to get there. Scared me just reading about it. I haven't seen the trailer for it either. Glad you got all that out of your system MB! Quite a rant LOL
boy MB -- it was a Rant indeed . I think I am just overwhelmed lately -- or should I just say -- BITCHY? yep. Hope all is well in your world my friend :)
ReplyDeleteGood to read your blog!! I agree with you on both issues:) Good to see you back:)
ReplyDeleteHI Kristy -- I'm glad you found me ! I didn't want to say anything on Facebook. slowly but surely, my peeps are tricklin thru the door :)
ReplyDeleteDon't know if that first comment posted or not. Great to read some of your good writing again. I haven't posted anything in ages, but do have a Facebook account. I'll be back. Charlotte.
ReplyDeletewell woman-- friend me on Facebook ! I miss you. would like to know how you are doing. it's so good to see you :)